Open New Tab with Time and Weather Info in Google Chrome with Currently.
Currently is an extension developed by Vitaly Babiy and Henry Modisett for Google Chrome which displays Time and Weather Information on opening a new tab on Google Chrome. This is a simple extension with gorgeous and minimalistic UI. Only backdrop of this extension is that you will be missing speed dials and its a bit slow sometimes while loading.
Developer(s): Rainfall Desgins
Language support: English
Home page: Currently
Support: Click Here
Download: Free (ADD TO CHROME)
HOW TO: Installing Currently on Google Chrome:
1. Go to Chrome web store an search for Currently, or simple click on the above download link and click on "FREE (ADD TO CHROME)".2. Google Chrome asks for user permission to add extension to the web browser. Click on "Add" to install extension to web browsers and "Cancel" to stop the installation process. Chrome also displays, what the extension might access on the web browser.
3. Now, Currenlty icon with message pop up appears at upper right corner of browser, indicating that the extension has successfully integrated with the Chrome.
HOW TO: Using Currently on Google Chrome:
1. After installing the extension, you will be seeing this page.2. Click on the settings which appears at lower left side of the browser to change preferences.
3. Adjusting preferences.
HOW TO: Disable/Remove Currently from Google Chrome:
1. Go to Chrome Setting > Tools > Extensions, or simply type "chrome://chrome/extensions/" in URL bar.2. Now, un-tick the Currently to temporarily disable the extension. Click on the dustbin icon and you will be greeted with pop-up, click "Remove" to remove the extension from Google Chrome.
Labels: Appearance, Currently, Google Chrome, Productivity, Weather
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